Fulfilling infrastructure needs is an important step in maintaining economic growth. In the midst of limited state budget, the Government of Indonesia encourages the participation of business entities in the development of national infrastructure through support for policies, instruments and fiscal frameworks.
03 Jul 2024 ROAD
This project aims to ensure that the roads and bridges that are part of the Trans Papua Road can continue to support one of the main corridors in Indonesia
27 Feb 2024 ROAD
Kediri – Tulungagung Toll Road Project which crosses Kediri City, Kediri Regency and Tulungagung Regency, East Java
This PJU PPP program is considered very extraordinary when compared to the current existing conditions, where Lobar only has no more than 2,500 light points.
17 Oct 2023 ROAD
Increase capacity, reduce congestion and travel time on JORR-1, as well as improve road service levels, provide alternative routes for long-distance travel, and strengthen the toll road network in Jabodetabek.
24 Jan 2023 ROAD
This toll road project will increase the connectivity of Patimban Port as one of the largest ports in Indonesia
PT PII is committed to implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program as a long-term corporate investment to improve the quality of Human Resources around infrastructure projects supported by PT PII, as well as part of mitigating the social impact of infrastructure development in the area.
Corporate social responsibility
IIGF Institute (IIGF-I) is a knowledge management unit of PT PII which was established with a vision to become a Center of Excellent of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Indonesia.